We facilitate biological tests that give important insights about your health.

They assist me as a practitioner in supporting you and help us make better choices for treatments.

Biological Testing Service Ireland provide scientifically sound tests for Naturopaths and doctors alike.They are easy, safe, and non-invasive tests. You will get a test kit to collect samples at home with clear instructions.

  • Gut Health Tests can check for Candida, H. pylori, molds, yeast, helpful and harmful bacteria, parasites, leaky gut, intestinal bleeding, tumor and inflammation markers. Testing can be tailored for your individual health situation.

  • Hormone Health tests include screens for histamine, GABA, serotonin, tryptophan, estradiol, progesterone, and testosterone, DHEA, Estrogen dominance screen for Estradiol & Progesterone.

  • Includes sIgA screen to check the state of your gut immunity – low immunity or inflammation.

  • EPX – an exclusion diagnostic for true allergies, parasites and inflammation.

    Irritable bowel Syndrome - Histamine screen. GABA screen, Serotonin screen, Tryptophan screen.

    M2PK tumour marker which indicates also non-bleeding colon rectal tumours, even at early stages.

  • This test will check cortisol levels in the morning, mid-morning, evening, and at night, along with melatonin levels at night and DHEA levels.